Let's find Him together, during Advent

A Note from Sara...

It’s a strange thing to be inviting people into something that has been such a privately-powerful piece of my life. As I’ve explored this message of finding Him in the middle minutes, I’ve realized just how “radical” it can feel to our inner life to talk to God over changing laundry and sautéing onions and driving to the post office. To talk to Him, instead of scrolling or texting, opposes the very muscle memory so many of us have created. How often do we pick up our phones or run to an escape rather than stilling our minds?

I am inviting you into something I’ve practiced for nearly a decade but which is still altering the way I relate to God … today:

To seek Him … unconventionally. (Radically.) And not just in the leftover pockets of time, but in the minutes that happen in the middle of our day.

These next few weeks, I’ll slip into your inbox and unpack adoration a bit more. (And because it’s Advent and I am a resource gusher, I’ll also send you some of my favorite ideas for settling in to this season with Him.)